+46-(0)31 – 290079
Vanliga frågor
Installera SpinFire 11
Aktivering SpinFire
Aktivering av SpinFire Pro
Ni behöver licensnummer = seat ID.
Starta SpinFire Pro
Se licensed (nedan) = är den markerad?
Klicka och aktivera med ert seat ID
Spinfire 10 eller nyare:
Se bild på LICENCED nedan = kallas även ACTIVATION i äldre program.
Aktivering kan göras på denna sida ONLINE.
Fyll i seat ID (översta raden) och tryck på Activate Online.
Om allt ok så gratuleras ni
Ni hamnar nu på en ny sida där ni ombedes registrera er.
Registrering är ej obligatorisk men e-post reg. ger er viktiga medelanden.
Spinfire 8 och 9 = nästan samma
Se vänster sida “OPTIONS” gå till “ACTIVATION” .
(variant: meny TOOLS > Activation)
Bilden nedan visar aktuell sida.
Aktivering kan göras på denna sida ONLINE.
Fyll i seat ID (översta raden) och tryck på Activate Online.
Om allt ok så gratuleras ni.
Ni hamnar nu på en ny sida där ni ombedes registrera er.
Registrering är ej obligatorisk och kan avbrytas
(avsluta > gå till annan flik/mapp)
eftersom ni redan registrerat er i tidigare aktivitet ovan dvs Spinfire Pro update REGISTRATION.
Licensed eller fd Activation – nedan avtal slutat 31dec2010 = kontakta oss + seat ID = vi ger förslag + support.
Om datum ligger i framtiden = avtal OK. Om ERROR? Öppna/undantag i Windows brandvägg. Lägg till Spinfire.
(instruktioner för flytande licens med FlexLM på server eller nätverks-PC….läs mer…)
Vid behov för nedan INSTALLATION KONTROLL Hämta program web-downloads
Steg 2 a)
Version 10 & nyare: Spinfire startar men allt är ej uppdaterat?
Saknas importers, plugin eller annat problem?
Istället för att köra “INSTALL” i Spinfire för varje funktion……t ex kanske 7 importers måste installeras..
KÖR en RIKTIG NY INSTALLATION: (spara tid + slipp konstiga bekymmer med brandväggar)
– Kör igång exe filen
– Vid fråga(un-install, repair, modify) välj: MODIFY
– nästa: välj version(finns bara en oftast: senaste)
– nästa: välj importers => lättast taga alla(fungerar men alla aktiveras ej=gör inget) eller bocka för de man har köpt.
– nästa: välj PLUGIN => välj alla = viktigt pga ger allt nu direkt, (många missar detta)=alla utom DAA med (köpt DAA: BOCKA FÖR)
– straxt KLART
Nu har ni en FULLSTÄNDIG INSTALLATION = BRA + klart att använda.
Steg 2 b)
Version 8 och 9
Om ni har installationfilen = kan köras enligt 2 a).
Om ni inte har installationsfilen kör enligt nedan.
Spinfire kan startas….men… era IMPORTERS kanske inte är OK?
De med röd download text kan uppdateras.
Vissa är ACTIVE andra TRIAL pga att ACTIVE är de som ingår i er licens.
Kör download på de med röd text.
I importer listan finns OPTIONS till höger.
Öppna detta (olika för varje sort) och ändra inställningar
om det uppstår problem någon gång när ni ska öppna cad-filer.
Lycka till!
Mer info (extra support information – questions?)
8.4 update NOTE – read = more understanding what to do????
Question: I’ve installed SpinFire 8.4. Now what?
I’ve upgraded to SpinFire 8.4.
Are there any instructions on how to activate and use the product?
First of all, let’s make sure that you know the difference between 8.3 and 8.4.
* SpinFire Professional 8.3 is now updated and called SpinFire 8.4
* Prior to 8.4, Actify had three separate desktop products:
– Reader: downloadable for free and only works in IE
– SpinFire Professional: Actify’s flagship desktop product that requires licensing
– SpinFire for Microsoft Office: SpinFire running as an ActiveX control within
Office. Also requires separate licensing.
8.4 is a single product that encompasses all three 8.3 products in one.
What this means is that you can run SpinFire 8.4 in a browser, as a desktop app
or as an ActiveX control in Office, all running in the same mode or what we call
platforms and have exactly the same UI. The only difference is what functions
will be active based on the license obtained. The 4 platforms are basically the
types of license you’ll need to purchase to get SpinFire 8.4 to work:
– Reader: This is the only platform where you don’t need to pay, but you’ll still
need to obtain a license. Once activated with a Reader license, SpinFire 8.4 will
run with limited capabilities similar to 8.3 Reader except with the full SpinFire UI.
Now you get the full SpinFire UI, even within IE, the Office dialog and the
embedded object. The initial version of 8.4 has a bug with loading .3D in IE.
Check this issue for work-around –
http://support.actify.com/issue_view.asp?ID=3381. And just like the old Reader,
SpinFire 8.4 with this license can only read and write .3D file.
Spinfire Markup and Lite are new products with functionality between free
READER and Professional. Most Scandinavia/Nordic EU users have
Professional and free READER.
– Markup: Similar to Reader but with a few additional dimensioning capabilities.
– Lite: Pro functionalities, minus importing and the ability to use plug-ins
– Professional: Full SpinFire functionalities. What Importers and/or plug-ins will
work depends on what is actually purchased. Draft Angle Analysis is, at the
present time (September 2009), the only plug-in that needs to be purchased; all
others are free for use with the Pro license.
* You can upgrade 8.4 over 8.3 without uninstalling whatever Actify products is
already there. The only exception is 8.4 does not work correctly with Publisher,
yet. It is NOT recommended to install 8.4 on a system where Publisher is
installed(same computer).
* Limited testing has been done on Vista and 64-bit systems. For the most part,
the product does work on either system, though there are reported bugs
specifically on Vista. SpinFire 8.4 is a 32-bit app and will run in 32-bit mode on
64-bit systems.
* Licensing
Whatever license you had when using 8.3 or earlier will need to be upgraded to
work with 8.4. We needed to modify our licensing to support the 4 platforms.
Please contact your reseller or Actify sales rep to request an update to your
license. If your seat is a floating seat, you will need to update both the Seat
ID/license file as well as the floating license file (sfpflv2.dat). This means you’ll
need to update the floating license server with the new sfpflv2.dat file before
you can activate the updated 8.4 installs.
You can activate SpinFire 8.4 through any of the three apps: Browser, Desktop
or Office, though it may be easier to activate using SpinFire Desktop.
* Office
With 8.3 we also offered a product called SpinFire for Microsoft Office (SFO)
that allowed users to embed .3D files into Word, Excel or Powerpoint and it
required a separate license. In 8.4 the Office capability comes for free. It run in
whatever platform that Desktop is licensed for. The SpinFire Office functionality
is found under Insert in 2003 and Add-Ins in 2007. Keep in mind that this is first
version of a single SpinFire product, so it’s likely you may encounter some bugs
especially when running in Office. If so, we would appreciate it if you could
report the bugs to http://support.actify.com/. ** KNOWN BUG – 8.4 Office does
not work on Vista.
* Plug-ins
Plug-ins have been verified to work with 8.4. The only issue would be with Draft
Angle Analysis (DAA). As this is a purchased feature, it needs to be included
in the license. If you upgrade and currently have DAA, please make sure to
remind your reseller or Actify sales rep to include DAA in the updated license.
* .3D files
There is no format change in .3D between 8.3 and 8.4. This means that .3D files
created using 8.2, 8.3 or 8.4 can be read using any one of the aforementioned
SpinFire versions.
Fixa problem enkelt?
Starta om = löser vissa problem snabbt och enkelt.
I vissa fall behövs en omstarta av program och
om det ej hjälper så starta om datorn.
En omstart släpper ev låsningar, hjälper brandväggen,
aktiverar datorns ID och licens kontroll.
Kontakta oss eller er kontaktperson om problem kvartstår.